<a href="http://tessatheslut.com/?id=h192rrk0jl115z8f2t0tk6gmy99at6">http://tessatheslut.com/?id=h192rrk0j l115z8f2t0tk6gmy99at6</a>
Fren sculptor
Age 31, Female
internet browser
Dragonball state
Joined on 11/15/08
<a href="http://tessatheslut.com/?id=h192rrk0jl115z8f2t0tk6gmy99at6">http://tessatheslut.com/?id=h192rrk0j l115z8f2t0tk6gmy99at6</a>
Maybe you could try this; <a href="http://www.fiverr.com/">http://www.fiverr.com/</a>
Thats pretty cool
I really like your art ^^
Psychonauticness: I like it. So how do you accept donations for the commissions?
I'm kinda messed up right now, sorry if this makes no sense 0.o Hur. DERP. Lol. Anyway, I'd prolly want to commission you, so get back to me? Kthxbai!
oh shit i just realized there were comments here!
If only, lets sesh!
first comment...